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Uplifting Lives, Inspiring Change.

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Mission Statement

HELLO Trust: Uplifting Lives, Inspiring Change.

HELLO Trust is dedicated to illuminating the lives of less-privileged individuals and communities in Asia. Our mission is to empower, inspire, and create lasting change through innovative initiatives, compassionate action, and unwavering commitment to a more equitable world.

Our Programs

InspireMe Festival 1.0

Hear from our Founder: Casso Pi

“With the right mindset, anyone can make the world a better place. Start off with a smile and a will to bring positive change, and the rest will follow."

Our Highlights

Explore our exciting adventures and quests to make the world a better place. Immerse yourself in the gallery of HELLO Trust to learn more about our initiative!

Why People Support Us

Event Guest's Family:

Mrs Chen, Shenzhen

“My son couldn't stop talking about the festival when he came home! He usually isn't the biggest fan of social events, but HELLO Trust's event truly motivated him to discover his passions and connect with others. Thank you HELLO Trust for giving him such an unforgettable experience."

Event Collaborator:

Esther Wang, Shenzhen

"Making InspireMe Festival happen with the HELLO Trust team was actually such a blast! From starting the idea, to slowly building the team, and then frantically running down the details of the event, I personally felt inspired too. We, a bunch of high schoolers from different schools were, came together to make a safe space for autistic children in our area."


Artemis Cheung, HK

“HELLO Trust is my learning journey's stepping stone! It provided me with opportunities to network and collaborate with like-minded individuals. I am highly confident that under the leadership of other young minds, HELLO Trust will thrive, bringing positive change to those we serve.”


All the Latest Achievements and Information

HELLO Trust Shenzhen:
Fundraising For Autism

HELLO Trust Branch Establishment: Nanning, China

HELLO Trust HK-SZ: InspireMe Festival 1.0

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January 2-3, 2024

As 2024 began, HELLO Trust members gathered to support a foundation that schooled special-needs autistic children: 深圳市民爱特殊儿童福利院. Led by founder Casso Pi and COO Jack Peng, two different groups of volunteers came to the school on January 2nd and 3rd.

November 2, 2023

Founder Casso's visit to Harrow Nanning in China ignited a powerful movement. Inspired students established a HELLO Trust branch, amplifying our mission to support underprivileged individuals and communities throughout Asia. United in service, we're illuminating lives globally.

March 2, 2024

Celebrate the success of HELLO Trust's InspireMe Festival! Our interactive event showcased diverse themes to inspire autistic children, fostering creativity and self-discovery in a supportive environment.

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